Semi-autonomous Exploration Robot in Disaster Area [ October 2018 ~ Present ]
Research Background
Semantic Survey Map Building Framework
In this research, we propose a semi-autonomous mobile robot system that builds a wide-area survey map including semantic information to carry out damage monitoring in disaster areas such as Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant station. To this end, the following technologies are developed and SMLO loop-based seamless integration is realized as shown in Fig. 1.
• A sensor system that measures heat source, radiation source, water source, other substance information as well as color and shape information in the environment.
• SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) scheme that generates precise a wide area semantic survey map for learning-based motion generation of the mobile robot.
• A route generation system that performs reinforcement learning based on the built map from the SLAM scheme. An operator is able to control the robot semi-automatically based on the generated route.
The generated semantic survey map can be used for the prevention of secondary disasters and recovery plans, given that it contains useful information for the disaster environment.
Fig. 1 Conceptual image of semantic survey map building process based on SMLO loop.
Mov. 1 Environmental sensing and reinforcement learning by SMLO system (quote from Kono Lab. at Tokyo Polytechnic University).
Mov. 2 Semantic survey map building framework using semi-autonomous mobile robot in disaster area [].
3D Temperature Mapping by Mobile Robot
In the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, it is important to investigate the temperature distribution inside. In this study, we propose a method to generate 3D map information including temperature distribution using a mobile robot equipped with a depth camera based on NIR (near-infrared) and a thermography based on FIR (far-infrared). To this end, a novel calibration scheme for the depth camera and thermography line information is proposed given that the NIR image and the FIR image have the similar mechanism of projecting infrared rays into the image, the line distributions in both images are considered to be similar. The experimental results demonstrate that our mapping framework can generate reliable 3D temperature.
Mov. 3 3D Temperature mapping by fusion of depth camera and thermography mounted on mobile robot.
Mov. 4 3D Temperature mapping by fusion of LiDAR and thermography mounted on exploration robot.
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