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M274 材料力学特論 (令和3年度 1-2期) M274 Mechanics of Materials (Term 1-2 2021)

科目番号 M274 単位数 2
授業科目名 材料力学特論 Mechanics of Materials
担当教員 池 勇勳
時間割 1の2期(火・1/木・2)

辻 知章ら、JSMEテキストシリーズ「材料力学」、日本機械学会
David V. Hutton, Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis, McGraw-Hill
1. 材料力学の基礎、応力とひずみ
2. 棒の引張りと圧縮
3. 許容応力と安全率
4. 棒のねじり
5. はりのSFDとBMD
6. はりの曲げ応力1
7. はりの曲げ応力2 
8. はりのたわみ1
9. はりのたわみ2
10. 有限要素法による解析の手順
11. 有限要素法による棒要素の解析
12. 有限要素法によるはり要素の解析
13. 有限要素法によるフレーム要素の解析
14. まとめ
<社会的能力> 幅広い視野、論理的思考力、コミュニケーション能力
<創出力> 専門的知識とスキルの探求力

Course Number M274 Number of credits 2
Course Title Mechanics of Materials
Instructor Ji,Yonghoon
Schedule Term 1-2(Tue・1/Thu・2)

Course goals
To understand the basic knowledge of mechanics of materials and advanced skill for analyzing the structural problem from simple to complicated structures based on the finite element method.
Course content
Knowledge about materials and related mechanical properties is required for the design of the machines and mechatronic systems. In this course, starting from the basics of mechanics of materials, the theory about diverse deformation of materials will be introduced. In the second half of the course, concepts and theory for the finite element method which is known to be an analytical and numerical method will be introduced for solving problems in the mechanics of materials with complicated geometric shapes.
辻 知章ら、JSMEテキストシリーズ「材料力学」、日本機械学会
David V. Hutton, Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis, McGraw-Hill
Related courses
Basic knowledge in physics and algebra is required.
1. Basics on material mechanics, stress and strain
2. Tensile and compression of rod
3. Allowable stress and factor of safety
4. Torsion of rod
5. SFD and BMD of beam
6. Bending stress of beam 1
7. Bending stress of beam 2
8. Beam deflection 1
9. Beam deflection 2
10. Analysis procedure by finite element method
11. Analysis of rod elements by finite element method
12. Analysis of beam elements by finite element method
13. Analysis of frame elements by finite element method
14. Summary
How to prepare for this course
Be well prepared for the course, taking it into consideration that one credit is awarded for 45 study hours including self-study time in addition to that of in total 15-hour lectures.
Students who will attend this course should review basic knowledge in physics and algebra.
Viewpoint of evaluation
Students will be able to understand basic knowledge in mechanics of materials and analysis scheme based on the finite element method.
Evaluation method
Routine homework, mid-term examination, and final examination.
Evaluation criteria
Homeworks (30%), mid-term examination (35%), final examination (35%)
Abilities/traits that can be acquired
・Social competencies: broad interests, logical thinking, excellent communication
・Creative abilities: ambition for expertise and skills
Lecture Archive
What to record: No record
How to broadcast:Undisclosed

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M623E 知能ロボットシステム (E) (令和3年度 2-1期) M274 Intelligent Robotic Systems (E) (Term 2-1 2021)

Course Number M623E Number of credits 2
Course Title Intelligent Robotic Systems(E)
Instructor JI,Yonghoon、HO, Anh Van、MIYAKO, Eijiro
Schedule Term 2-1(Tue・2/Thu・1)

Course goals
This course aims to deliver fundamental and advanced concepts of utilizing potential features of soft robots and functional sensors with intelligence in creation of novel robotic mechanisms. Through this course, students are expected to understand design and control of intelligent robotic systems that can be constructed by soft sensors, soft actuators, molecular information, functional materials. In addition, students are aimed to understand the unique properties and principles of such robots' dynamics, sensing mechanism, functions and applications of various robotic systems.
Course content
Nowadays, robotics is a multi-disciplinary research field that requires not only sole knowledge on mechanics/electronics, but also a harmonic integration of mechatronics and intelligence at various scale of application. Thus, this course covers a wide range of content, from environmental sensing and molecular information, and their integration methodologies, toward creation of intelligent robotic systems. Lectures will be given with both fundamental insights and advanced application of related topics. In addition, this course will bring students with actual experience on developed robots, and related devices for making robotic systems, through commanding practical robotics research at laboratories in JAIST. This course also designs a project so that students can actually design intelligent robotic systems.
Handouts will be distributed in the lecture.
Handouts will be distributed in the lecture.
Related courses
M273EJ Mechatronics
M274 Mechanics of Materials
M425E Analytical Mechanics
M618E Materials Design
I484F Robotics
I427 System Control Theory
I615E Robotics and Computer Vision
Student has good background of any field in mechanics, materials, informatics is welcomed. Basic knowledge in calculus, logics is required.
1. Basics of environmental mapping using unmanned robot equipped with sensors
2. LiDAR-based sensing and environmental mapping
3. Vision-based sensing and object recognition
4. Sonar-based underwater sensing
5. Introduction of soft robotics
6. Methods for design of soft robotic mechanisms
7. Practical robotics research in laboratories
8. Methods for integration and control of soft robots
9. Paper review (1)
10. Basics of robots built by molecular information
11. Developments of nano-microrobots towards disease
12. Design and synthesis of artificial living organisms as innovative robots
13. Paper review (2)
14. Design competition and presentation of intelligent robotic systems
How to prepare for this course
Be well prepared for the course, taking it into consideration that one credit is awarded for 45 study hours including self-study time in addition to that of in total 15-hour lectures.
Students who will attend this course should review basic knowledge in physics, materials, or programing
Viewpoint of evaluation
Students should understand basic knowledge and technical role of each field in the multidisciplinary material robotics, and how to define problems and solution in practical applications. Especially, even students have different backgrounds, they will assess how their own specialty may contribute to the development of material robots in answering society's needs.
Evaluation method
Paper Review, Report, and Demonstration
Evaluation criteria
Paper Review (40%), Demonstration and Reports (60%)
Abilities/traits that can be acquired
・Social competencies: broad interests, logical thinking, leadership, excellent communication, diversity mindset, broad perspective, initiative and perseverance
・Creative abilities: ambition for expertise and skills, ideation, planning skills, expressiveness
・Practical abilities: information gathering, insight into future or potential needs, exploratory propulsion, openness to criticism or feedback, problem definition
Lecture Archive
What to record: No record
How to broadcast: Undisclosed

科目番号 M623E 単位数 2
授業科目名 知能ロボットシステム(E) Intelligent Robotic Systems(E)
担当教員 池 勇勳、HO, Anh Van、都 英次郎
時間割 2の1期(火・2/木・1)

現在、ロボット工学は、機械・電子に関する単⼀分野の知識のみならず、様々な応用におけるメカトロニクスや知能の融合を要する学際的研究分野となっている。従って、本講義では、知能ロボットシステムの創出に向けた、環境センシングや分子情報ならびにそれらの方法論の統合といった幅広い内容を学習する。本講義を通じて、知能ロボットシステムに係る基礎的な見識とそれらに関連する先端的応用技術を学習する。また、本講義では、JAIST 内のロボット研究を行う研究室を訪問し、ロボット開発ならびに知能ロボットシステム作製のための関連デバイスに係る体験学習を実施する。さらに、本講義では、学生がチームを結成し、知能ロボットシステム設計に係るインタラクティブなデザインプロジェクトを計画している。
M273EJ メカトロニクス
M274 材料力学
M425E 解析力学
M618E 材料設計特論
I484F ロボテイクス
I427 システム制御理論
I615E Robotics and Computer Vision
1. センサを搭載した無人ロボットによる環境マッピングの基礎
2. LiDAR によるセンシング及び環境マッピング
3. ビジョンによるセンシング及び物体認識
4. 超⾳波による水中センシング
5. ソフトロボテイクスの紹介
6. ソフトなメカニズムのデザイン法
7. 研究室における実践的ロボティクス研究
8. ソフトロボットにおける融合法と制御
9. 論文査読の発表(1)
10. 分子情報によって構築されるロボットの基礎
11. 病気の治療に向けたナノ・マイクロロボットの開発
12. 革新的ロボットとしての人工生物のデザインと合成
13. 論文査読の発表(2)
14. 学生による知能ロボットシステムのデザインコンテストと発表


<収録内容> 収録しない
<配信方法> 公開しない